Friday, May 7, 2010

Assault on Precinct 13

I hate to say it, but i didn't particularly ENJOY John Carpenter's 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13. It was loaded with continuity errors, forced and ridiculous dialogue and not to mention the weak, thin plot line. But, then again perhaps that is what makes it so charming.

I went into Assault thinking I was getting into an intense and engaging story, and maybe that was my downfall, but i just couldn't connect with this one. Granted there were some eye popping scenes with the child and the ice cream, the relentless shootouts and the slaughtering of human life. And that stuff I LOVE. I think maybe I set my standards high for this one, and was a little let down.

The films did have a certain charm that I liked. It was very 'indie.' This showed what indie looked like in the 70's. The modern day indie can be picked out of the bunch and I enjoy that style. It was very cool to see that style of the 70's. The set pieces, minimal locations, sound issues and neat workarounds all added, or perhaps took away from the film for me. I think I'd like to see this film again, now knowing it's charm and feel. I have a strong feeling I'll get more out of it this time around.

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