Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Taxi Driver

This was the first viewing of Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver for me and I felt mediocre after it.

This same effect has happened to me before when a movie is hyped up by many people. I get the idea in my head that the film I'm about to see is going to be the most influential, thought provoking piece of cinema ever conceived. To a degree Taxi Driver was hyped in this fashion.

Honestly, the only thing I knew about it was who directed it and who stared in it. I hate going into a movie with expectations, but for some reason with this film I had high hopes. I wouldn't say I felt let down afterward, but rather it was a feeling of 'meh.'

There were definitely some beautiful camera movements and metaphorical choices that propelled the unique story of Travis and his downward spiral, but in the film as a whole, those moments didn't stand out to accumulate into a film that I really enjoy.

Perhaps this is one that needs a second viewing. Netflix baby.

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