Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Saturday Night Feverrrr

I am actually glad I've waited for this post. I had the pleasure of going to New York this past weekend. I was my first time there and I now completely understand the whole 'new york scum/dirty/hole of a place vibe' that comes across in several of the films we've screened.

Granted, these films were New York 30-40 years ago, when New York, from what I've heard, had an entirely different feel. Nonetheless, a remanence of that scum still remains.

I visited my old roommate who lives in brooklyn, and got a feel for his neighborhood and the borough in general. I couldn't help but think back to John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever who is confidently cruising down the street checking out women as they pass him, and he, inevitably being shot down by them.

This film created mixed feelings for me. I kept asking myself, "Do I like Tony's character, or do I hate him? I liked his suave, exquisite dance moves and oftentimes envied his skills. Because I mean, Damn....he can groove. Then on the other hand, Tony is completely unfair to Annette and misogynistic to many. Tony falls under the category of characters you hate to like.

After seeing the environment that these characters live and thrive in, I've developed a new understanding and empathy for them. Seeing this 'scum' of a place and dense character that IS New York, I have a new found respect for it's inhabitants.

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