Wednesday, April 7, 2010


If I hadn't read the passage about black cinema in the 70's I wouldn't have the respect for Gordon Parks' blaxploitation film Shaft

By understanding the culture at the time of its release and its effects on the black demographic, I enjoyed Shaft much more than if I hadn't read anything prior. Richard Roundtree, who played Shaft in the film was an aggressive, cool cat that provided a face and character for many black men to relate to. I can see why it was so well received amongst this community and raised $12 million in ticket sales.

Hearing Charles' experience with Shaft as a young child really put the film into perspective as well. His account of seeing it in theaters for the first time at the Chicago Theater and the feelings it evoked after viewing it was very, very cool. He felt empowered by this movie and by the character he just witnessed. This movie had an impact that very few films have achieved.

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